Spring Sale Dates! (Online details edited!)

Even these brand spankin' new Liberty of London lawns and Alison Glass colorful wovens will be marked down!

Even these brand spankin' new Liberty of London lawns and Alison Glass colorful wovens will be marked down!

Our annual spring sale is right around the corner! Mark your calendars for Friday, April 13th through Thursday, April 19th. Everything is marked down, both online and in-store.

Here are the in-store sale details: all fabric 10-50% off, an additional 10% off previously marked down items, all notions and anything else in the store will be 20% off. Time to start planning your projects!
Our fans from afar can enjoy the sale too. Our online store sale details: all non-sale items, fabric and otherwise, will be 20% off. You will need to use promo code SPRING18 when checking out to receive the discount. We will be unable to extend free shipping during the sale week. In store and online orders will be given preference over phone orders.