
-Grew up in Sarajevo, Bosnia

-Studied, then taught art in Florida, where she swam in warm springs & canoed with alligators

-Lived in Portland since 2013

-Made her own clothes since middle school

-Always wanted to have her own design label, and now owns llunn

-Had fun jobs, like operating a book-making robot, teaching drawing and printmaking, doing freelance graphic design, outreach work for OutsideIn, working as a bookseller at Powells, and now working at Bolt and making fun hand-embroidered dresses for llunn

-She is inspired by all the beautiful people at Bolt who make their own clothing and wear things in fun and unexpected ways

-Lives in a very old house in beautiful SE Portland with her partner and one unruly heeler 

-Loves PNW, science fiction, mushrooms, hiking, swimming, baking & making things. Doesn't have a single tattoo & can't ride a bike.
